
Overview and technical details of a 3-dimensional bioplotter for production of intestinal crypt organoid models.

Project maintained by daltonjay Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Intellectual Property Notice

The BioFAB Four Crypt Plotter is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License v3.0. This allows use and modification of our original design while simultaneously protecting the design team from liability and maintaining the open source spirit of the original project. The BioFAB Four believe wholeheartedly in the spirit of free cooperation and open collaboration fostered by the open source movement. To that end, we license use of the Crypt Plotter’s design without reservation to other creators for modification and redistribution, with the following conditions:

A copy of this license and copyright information must be included in the modified product with proper attribution.

All designs based on ours must maintain the GNU General Public License and exist in an open-source state.

All modifications to our design must be clearly stated and documented.

Source code based on this design must be made available according to the terms of the same license this code is licensed under.

We assume no liability for any damages resulting from the use of this open source technology, and we guarantee no warranty. For more information, visit the GNU General License Website.

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